For Admission Contact: +91 7540054222 | +91 6374914751         Admission Open for 2025 - 2026 UG: Aeronautical Engineering | Computer Science and Engineering | Electronics and Communication Engineering | Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI&DS) | Information Technology | Mechanical Engineering | Cyber Security         Admission Open for 2025 - 2026 PG: Computer Science and Engineering | Environmental Engineering | Master of Business Administration (MBA)         NBA Accreditation - CSE, ECE, IT and MBA Departments have got accredited for 3 years from 2024 to 2027.

Know more about our mission to transform the Indian education system and where it all started.

About US

Welcome to Tagore Engineering College. Ours is a community centered on our students’ success, providing them with exceptional experiences, and connections to successful careers.. A diverse graduate student body benefits from classroom and other intellectual opportunities in robust programs

Together our faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate concentrators comprise a vibrant community of Engineering scholars at Tagore Engineernig College

Our Vision

"To provide quality education in the field of Engineering and Management, inculcating strong ethical values."

Our Mission

To offer high-quality technical education enriched with expertise and ethical values.

To create an environment and opportunities where students can evolve into innovative, skilled, and globally competitive professionals.

To foster multidisciplinary research and skill development for the betterment of society.

Our Quality Policy

The management and academic leadership of the institution do hereby give performance assurance to all stakeholders viz. parents, students, employers and the community. Our commitment and dedication is built into our policy of continual quality improvement by establishing and implementing mechanisms and modalities for ensuring accountability at all levels, transparency in procedures and access to information.

TEC's History

Towards achieving this goal the College has several imposing multi-storied buildings with all amenities to accommodate class rooms, laboratories, library, drawing halls, offices, research centres, recreation halls, seminal halls, sports rooms, placement cell, canteen and fine arts clubs.

Our Institution is accredited by NAAC in the year 2009 and is applying for reaccreditation in the year 2014. The College got accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) in the year 2004 and re-accredited in the year 2009 and the institution is currently working out to submit the application for renewal.

At present 254 Faculty Members and 131 Non-Teaching staff are working in the College. Among the Faculty Members 20% of them are Doctorates, 27% of them are currently pursuing Ph.D. in various Universities, and reset of them are with Post Graduation Qualifications. The total number of students is 2880.

The College has a mission to build resources and sustain a high quality teaching – learning environment, to provide state-of-the-art facilities to the faculty and students and to integrate character, ethical and moral values into human resources. The policies implemented by the Management provide ample opportunities to the students and the staff to achieve excellence in academic and related areas. All the Departments have adequate infrastructural facilities and dedicated staff.

The Institution encourages faculty members in their academic and research activities. Faculty members and students are being encouraged by providing financial assistance to participate in the Conferences, Workshops, and Seminars and to publish papers in refereed journals and National & International conference.
