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Department of National Service Scheme

About NSS Unit

National service Scheme provides various opportunities to college students to develop their personality through community services. Community services rendered by Institution level students have covered several aspects like adoption of villages for intensive development work, mass tree plantation, Rallies, Cleaning Camp, Blood donation camp, NSS day celebration. Our NSS Unit consists of 50 volunteers from first year, 50 volunteers from second year and 45 volunteers from third year. Every year we are conducting various awareness and personality development programs for the volunteers. Our college is giving extraordinary support to the NSS activities for the past years. Continuously we are conducting NSS special camp in the adopted village. Every year, we are conducting medical camp for the village people in collaboration with Tagore Medical College and Hospital and Dr. MGR Medical College and Hospital. Our NSS unit is the only unit to organize a National level Marathon. Now our NSS team is moving towards the solution for the various social causes.

(Staff-in-charge : Mr. V.Jayakumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering)

  • To have direct interact with the common people.
  • To create the young corruption frees India.
  • To make the students to involve in social issues.
  • To motivate the students to achieve the millennium vision.
  • To preserve the tradition and culture of India.
  • To encourage the students’ extracurricular activities.
  • Conducting Marathon on various Noble Cause.
  • Free medical camp at needy villages.
  • Dental camp, Health camp & Eye camp.
  • Veterinary medical camps.
  • Personality development programs.
  • NSS volunteers participation and performance in skit, dance and drama.
  • Counseling sessions and medical advice.
  • Conducting Traffic awareness events and Taking part in peak hour traffic regulations.
  • Conducted rallies for different social awareness themes in association with other social organizations.
  • Tree plantation and helping the people to do so frequently.
  • Special camps for road safety measures.
  • Plastic and Water awareness programs.
  • Beach, forest and public lakes clean up.
  • Teachers Day celebration in Government School.
  • A orientation program on “ULAVUI SEIVOM” was conducted for 2nd year students, organized by Anna University, Chennai on 16-12-2017.
  • A crowd Management on “KANUM PONGAL CELEBRATION” To attended 25 NSS Volunteers at Vandalur Zoological park on 17-1-2018.
  • To organize “BLOOD DONATION CAMP” for Tagore Engineering students at Tagore Engineering College 25-1-2018.
  • A NSG PROGRAM “ WE THE VOLUNTEERS” organized by Tamil Nadu Police Academy on 82-2018 to 9-2-2018.
  • A Seven days camp “YOUTH FOR CLEAN INDIA” was conducted at Melakottaiyur Government School and village on 23-3-2018 to 29-03-2018.
  • To Attend a National Conference on “YOUTH VOLUNTEERING” at SRM University, Chennai on 1-9-2018.
  • To Organize “TEACHER’S DAY CELEBRATION” for Tagore Engineering Staffs at Tagore Engineering College on 5-9-2018.
  • To Organize “TEACHER’S DAY CELEBRATION” for Melakottaiyur Government School Teachers on 5-9-2018.
  • To Organize SIGN BOARD Event “NSS DAY 50TH YEAR CELEBRATION” for public people at Knadigai on 24-09-2018.
  • Organize SIGN BOARD Event “NSS DAY 50TH YEAR CELEBRATION” for Tagore Engineering staffs and students at Tagore Engineering College on 24-09-2018.
  • To attend “NSS DAY 50TH YEAR CELEBRATION” GRITX for Nss volunteers at SRI Sairam Engineering College, Chennai on 24-09-2018.
  • To Organize a “CLEANING CAMP” to attend 50 NSS volunteers for cleaning various places at Tagore Medical College and Hospital on 11-10-2018.
  • To Organize TEC MARATHON 2K18 “ SAY NO TO PLASTICS” to participate various school students and various college students, to start Kelambakkam to Tagore Engineering Campus on 14-102018.
  • To attend one day ‘Orientation and PFMS PROGRAM” for NSS programme Officers at Anna University, Chennai on 25-10-2018.

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