Title of the Project | Principal Investigator | Funding Agency | Funding Amount | Period / Status |
Status of Pulicat Lake Brackish Water Ecosystem and Impact on Local Population |
Dr. P. Kasinatha Pandian |
U.S. Common Grants Programme (PADI Foundation California) |
INR 3.86 Lakhs |
2014-2016 Completed |
Developing a Web Based Decision Support System to Identify Potential Wind Farm Locations and Preparation of a Wind Atlas for Four Wind Prone Districts of Tamil Nadu |
Dr. P. Kasinatha Pandian Mr. L. Iyappan |
Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi |
INR 16.63 Lakhs |
2014-2016 Completed |
Development of Wearable Antenna Based Toxic Gas Remote Monitoring and Warning System for Municipal and Sanitary Workers |
Dr. D. Sheela and Dr. A. Navaneetha Gopalakrishnan |
Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India |
INR 7.06 Lakhs |
Proposal Submitted |
Toxic Gas Awareness Programme for Municipal, Sanitary Workers, Executive Officials and NGOs |
Dr. D. Sheela and Dr. A. Navaneetha Gopalakrishnan |
TN State Council for Science and Technology |
INR 50,000 |
Proposal Submitted |
The Department has signed the MoU with the following companies to provide the soft skill training, conduct the workshop, assistance in Project work, to train in the latest technologies.