For Admission Contact: +91 7540054222 | +91 6374914751         Admission Open for 2025 - 2026 UG: Aeronautical Engineering | Computer Science and Engineering | Electronics and Communication Engineering | Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI&DS) | Information Technology | Mechanical Engineering | Cyber Security         Admission Open for 2025 - 2026 PG: Computer Science and Engineering | Environmental Engineering | Master of Business Administration (MBA)         NBA Accreditation - CSE, ECE, IT and MBA Departments have got accredited for 3 years from 2024 to 2027.

Co-Curricular Activities
Name of the student Description
Ms. K.Chaithra from Third year aeronautical Engineering got 3rd prize in Catapult Glider Competition conducted by Chandigarh University.Punjab.
Abhinaya.R,Vijay.V,Swathi.S,Shameerudin.M.S,Jayjyothir.J (IVYear) One day lecture series on civil airctaft regulations and procedures at MIT campus.Anna university on 10th March
S.Ajaykumar,P.Madhan,P.Ramesh,E.Sivaramakrishn,S.Sowdarya (III Year) One day lecture series on civil airctaft regulations and procedures at MIT campus.Anna university on 10th March
Second and third year students Visit to IIT-Madras Research Park on March 30th 2019.
Gururajan, Manjula (IV Year) ROBO EXPO conducted by Harsha Toyota, Guindy on 9 th March
Pradeep Badave, John Bosco,(III Year) ROBO EXPO conducted by Harsha Toyota, Guindy on 9 th March
Praneshwar, P R Sethu Prasana, R. Saravanan, A. Bharathwaj (II Year) ROBO EXPO conducted by Harsha Toyota, Guindy on 9 th March
Lidia Mercy,Ajitha Begam (III Year) ROBO EXPO conducted by Harsha Toyota, Guindy on 2 nd March
Rahuljeet singh, Sai shadish and Sai lokesh (II Year) ROBO EXPO conducted by Harsha Toyota, Guindy on 2 nd March
Abhilasha Ninawe (II Year)Kumari Ambika (III Year) Won Bronze level in National Level Technical Quiz Competition at Rajalakshmi Engineering College held on 2nd March, 2019.
R.Abilash , (II Year) National Level Technical Quiz Competition at Rajalakshmi Engineering College held on 2nd March, 2019.
T. Easwar(III Year) FLIGHT’19 on 1st and 2nd March, 2019
V. Praneshwar, Repudi Kalyan, R. Saravanan, A. Bharathwaj(IIYear) FLIGHT’19 on 1st and 2nd March, 2019
S. Ajay kumar, P. Ramesh, E.Sivaramakrishnan(IIIYear), A. Vimalraj(IIYear) FLIGHT’19 on 1st and 2nd March, 2019
Second, third and final year students “AERO INDIA’19” held at yelanka, Airforce base, Bangalore on 24 &25 Feb 2019.
Pradeep Badave, Madhan, Lydia Mercy ,Gomati, John Bosco,Ajitha Participated in the technical events at “Shastra2019” at IIT Madras
Kanagaraj , Saravanan, Rahuljeet singh, Praneshwar, Sai Sathish Participated in the technical events at “Shastra2019” at IIT Madras
Madhan P Participated in :NAFED 2018”, held at Panimalar Engineering College, on 14-12-18
A.Abdul Abbas Alladin, I.Madhiyazhagan, I.Monish, T. Dhinakaran, and RamekBuji participated in the two days National Level Seminar on “Recent Trends in Advanced Materials (RTAM-2K18)” sponsored by TNSCST organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, SaveethaEngineeing College, Chennai, on20th and 21st of December 2018.
E.Sivaramakrishnan and P.Madhan participated in the 2 days national workshop on ‘UNMANNED & AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES” conducted by unmanned and autonomous systems laboratory, Department of Information Technology, college of engineering Guindy, Anna university Chennai
M.S.Shameerudin won first prize in Quizocraft and also participated in THE PRESENTATION in a national level technical symposium CHAKRAVYUHA-2018 held on September 22, 2018 organized by GOJAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY
Extra-Curricular Activities
Name of the student Description
C. Naveen (III Year) South Zone Floorball Championship-2019, held at Kamalam International school, Dharmapuri-Tamilnadu from 1st to 3rd march 2019 and secured 1st runner up
Second, third and final year students “AERO INDIA’19” held at yelanka, Airforce base, Bangalore on 24 &25 Feb 2019.
Pradeep Badave Participated in Yashas 2019
Easwar Participated in Yashas 2019
Baskar V Participated in Yashas 2018
Naveen,Johnsolomon,Vinithkumar Won second prize in Yashas 2017
Extra Curricular Activities
Name Description
T.Janakiraman, Fourth year
  1. 1st prize in national level technical symposium in science modelling event at Mamallan Institute of Technology
  2. Participated in the GPS workshop at Kurukshetra’09 at CEG
  3. Selected for the summer fellowship programme 2009 at IITM to work on BALLASTIC IMPACT on composite laminates
M.Nisha, Fourth year
  1. Won 3rd prize in national symposium conducted by EWB with mech wash project
  2. Selected to participate in innovators incubation programme at IITM
Arjun shankar, IV Year
  1. 1st prize aero modelling at Hindustan university
  2. Attended flight training at IITK
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