For Admission Contact: +91 7540054222 | +91 6374914751         Admission Open for 2025 - 2026 UG: Aeronautical Engineering | Computer Science and Engineering | Electronics and Communication Engineering | Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI&DS) | Information Technology | Mechanical Engineering | Cyber Security         Admission Open for 2025 - 2026 PG: Computer Science and Engineering | Environmental Engineering | Master of Business Administration (MBA)         NBA Accreditation - CSE, ECE, IT and MBA Departments have got accredited for 3 years from 2024 to 2027.

Achievements and Awards

The Achievement and awards seeks to identify, recognize and reward outstanding achievement, eminence in the practice of engineering, and standout service to the profession. It plays an important role in promoting engineering excellence and the significant contribution engineering makes to the community.

Year Name of the Student CGPA Rank

2017 - 2019




2015 – 2016









2014 – 2015

Bhuvaneshwari J






2013 – 2014

Shobana K



Jegathambal PMG



Vijayalakshmi A



2012 – 2013

Vimala B


2011 – 2012

S. Sangeetha



2011 – 2012

P. Malarvizhi



2010 – 2011

S. Angelin Beulah



Academic year Name of the Student Venue & Date Event Name Awards/ Place secured
2022-2023 DhineshkumarM Jerusalem Engineering college & 15/10/2022 Seek N Fix First Prize: ₹1000
Udhayakumar A Kirthika B Moses C Dayanithi M IIT Madras Research Tech Park & 24/03/2023 Pals-innowah-innovation For The Techade-smart Engineering For Business Compensation prize : ₹2500
2021-2022 Mr. E. Subash, AMET Deemed to be University, Chennai  & 10.03.2022. Technical Quiz ,National Level Technical Symposium ,ELYTRICO-2K22 First Price and Cash Prize Rs. 1000
S. Pravin Kumar, G. Avanthika and S.Sneha Tagore Engineering College & 22.12.2021 Antrepreneurship Awareness Camp (IDEATION CONTEST) won 3rd price
2020-2021 Ms . S. Swetha Guvi Tech & 24.04.2021 Build a Face Recognition Application using Python certificate of achievement
2021-2022 S. Pravin Kumar, G. Avanthika and S.Sneha Tagore Engineering College & 22.12.2021 Antrepreneurship Awareness Camp (IDEATION CONTEST) won 3rd price
2019-2020 Mr. Santha Kumar D 07.03.2020 in  Tagore Engineering college Solo dance won 1st price
V. K Abinaya, Sudheer Reddy Tagore Engineering college on 5th March 2020 Paper Presentation Won 2nd Price(Rs. 500)
T.S. Tamilselvan Tagore Engineering college on 5th March 2020 Paper Presentation won 3rd Price (Rs. 500)
K. Tinesh Kumar Department of Information Technology held at National Level Symposium on 8th February 2020 Web design won 2nd place(Cash Price Rs.700)
Ms G. Deepika Code Bind Technologies, Chennai on 08.12.2019 ANDROID Awarded for her active and invaluable contribution to the one day workshop
Ms S. Ashwini Code Bind Technologies, Chennai on 08.12.2019 ANDROID Awarded for her active and invaluable contribution to the one day workshop
Ms B. Ishwarya Code Bind Technologies, Chennai on 08.12.2019 ANDROID Awarded for her active and invaluable contribution to the one day workshop
Ms P. Gajapriya Code Bind Technologies, Chennai on 08.12.2019 ANDROID Awarded for her active and invaluable contribution to the one day workshop
Ms. R. Nazia Anjum GKM college of Engineering and Technology on 28.11.19 Paper Presentation 2nd place
Ms. P. Anjali GKM college of Engineering and Technology on 28.11.19 Paper Presentation 2nd place
Ms. S. Malini Meenakshi College of Engineering, Chennai on 13.09.2019 MIND ‘O’ PEDIA I prize
Ms. P. Geentanjali Meenakshi College of Engineering, Chennai on 13.09.2019 MIND ‘O’ PEDIA I prize
Ms. T. Kanimozhi Wikitechy and Microsoft Research Community Group, Chennai on 15.08.2019 World Biggest International Hands- On IOT & Ethical Hacking Workshop World Record Holder
Ms. P. Muthusharani Wikitechy and Microsoft Research Community Group, Chennai on 15.08.2019 World Biggest International Hands- On IOT & Ethical Hacking Workshop World Record Holder
Ms. S. Sangeetha Wikitechy and Microsoft Research Community Group, Chennai on 15.08.2019 World Biggest International Hands- On IOT & Ethical Hacking Workshop World Record Holder
Ms. T. Beryl Carolin Wikitechy and Microsoft Research Community Group, Chennai on 15.08.2019 World Biggest International Hands- On IOT & Ethical Hacking Workshop World Record Holder
Ms. K. Muthunagai Wikitechy & 02.07.2019. Digital Marketing Appreciated


Ms. M. Supriya, Ms. D. Saranya, Mr. R. Surya


World’s biggest international hands-on gaming & security workshop” warm wishes to the “ World Record holder”

certified for achieving an eminent world record

Mr. V. Charan Kumar and Mr. Mathan Gopal

Startupweekend, Coimbatore from 10.08.2018 to 12.08.2018


2nd place honours

Mr. P. Rishanth and Mr. M. Suresh Kumar

Startup Weekend, Coimbatore, from 10.08.2018 to 12.08.2018

Pet Frisk

3rd place honours


Mr. M. Suresh Kumar, Mr. T. Sanjay

IIT Madras,

15.02.2018 to 16.02.2018



Mr. K. Balaji

Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology. 04.02.2018


Certificate of achievement

Mr. K. Suryaraj, Mr. Vignesh J, M. Suresh Kumar and Mr. T. Sanjay

Estansia campus organized by Zoho on 09.03.2018.

the app building contest by Zoho cliq

finalist for CliqTrix

Mr. Sanjay

MBAdepartment, Tagore Engineering college, 19.07.2017 to 21.07.2017

entrepreneurship Awareness Camp(EAC)

First Prize

Mr. P. Abilash,S, Mr. Azagu Sundaram, Mr. B. Akilan, Mr. V. Charan Kumar, L. Infant Jerish

07.08.2017 to 16.08.2017

( AD-ZAP )71st Independence Day “AZADI” ”- inter-department competition

II Prize

Mr. M.R. Dolly Sree Kanya ,Mr. J. Jalen Rose Nayagam

07.08.2017 to 16.08.2017

( POSTER DESIGNING) in 71st Independence Day “AZADI”- inter-department competition

III Prize

Ms. Naziya

07.08.2017 to 16.08.2017.

(ORATORICAL(TAMIL) in 71st Independence Day “AZADI”- inter-department competition

I Prize

Mr. S. Kishor kumar

07.08.2017 to 16.08.2017.

(SHORT MOVIE/PHOTOGRAPHY) in 71st Independence Day “AZADI”- inter-department competition

I price

Mr. P. Abilash, Mr. P. Rishanth, Mr. R. Srinivasan, Mr. M. Suresh Kumar, Mr. T. Sanjay, Mr. Chandramouli Naidu, Mr. V. Santhosh

Coimbatore organized by Karpagam Innovation Centre

Google startup weekend

top 5

Ms. Priyanka,Ms. R. Thamizhini, Ms R. Revathy

Tagore Engineering College

100% Attendance

Awarded of certificate

Mr. G. Gokul, Ms D. Saranya

Tagore Engineering College

the academic year 2017-2018.

awarded as a topper

Mr. Sanjay, Mr. M.Suresh kumar, Mr. Naidu chandramouli, Mr. Abilash, Mr. Rishanth

Tagore Engineering College

Appreciation of remarkable contribution to the development of the institution in the academic year 2017 – 2018.

Pride of Tagore award

Mr. Medapatti Akash Naveen Reddy

Tagore Engineering College

progressive student in the academic year 2017-2018

awarded as a progressive student

Mr. M. Suresh Kumar

Delhi, organized by Azure Skynet Solution Pvt. Ltd.IIT Hyderabad in association with ELAN & NVISION

Ethical Hacking

awarded an educational scholarship worth INR 30,000


Mr. S. Murugesan

Tagore Engineering College on 01.04.2017.

Connections at YASHAS’17

secured 2nd place

Mr. Sudheer Reddy Bandi

Tagore Engineering College on 01.04.2017.


Better Attendance Record


Vignesh.E And Vikram.B

ICATC, 26.06.2015

Student Innovator Award


SSN College Of Engineering On 1.9.2015

Dumd C

2nd Prize

Vinetha Rani

Saveetha Engineering College.14.09.2015 To 16.09.2015


3rd Prize


Saveetha Engineering College.14.09.2015 To 16.09.2015


1st Prize


Saveetha Engineering College.14.09.2015 To 16.09.2015


2nd Prize

Year Name of the Student Venue and Date Tournament Name Awards / Place Secured
2022-2023 Udhayakumar A National Institute of Fashion Technology & 24/02/2023 Shipwreck First Prize: ₹5000
Kishore Anand S Tagore Engineering college & 07/06/2022 Cooking Unfire Second Price:1000
J.Gopinath Tagore Engineering college & 07/06/2022 Kho-Kho Second Price
D.Mohanasundaram Tagore Engineering college & 07/06/2022 Kho-Kho Second Price
S.Aruneshwaran Tagore Engineering college & 07/06/2022 Connection First Prize
K.Srimondass Tagore Engineering college & 07/06/2022 Connection First Prize
B.Lekha Tagore Engineering college & 07/06/2022 Chess First Prize
B.Lekha Tagore Engineering college & 07/06/2022 Kho-Kho Second Price
S.AjithKumar Tagore Engineering college & 07/06/2022 Tug Of War Second Prize
M.Faizal Tagore Engineering college & 07/06/2022 Tug Of War Second Prize
S.Chandru Tagore Engineering college & 07/06/2022 Kabbadi Second Prize
V.Tharun Raj Tagore Engineering college & 07/06/2022 Tug Of War First Prize
2021-2022 Mr. Amarnath.  house of cauvery ,23rd Annual Sports Meet, Tagore Engineering College, 2022 inter house competition Basket Ball 2nd place
Mr. J. Gopinath  ARS Cricket Zone Open Tournament,Perungalatur, 23.04.2022 Cricket won the Trophy and Medal 
Mr. S. Sanjay kumar ARS Cricket Zone Open Tournament,Perungalatur, 23.04.2022 Cricket won the Trophy and Medal 


Mr. Santha Kumar D

Tagore Engineering college


Solo dance

won 1st price

Ms. Swetha

Tagore Engineering college


Group dance

won 2nd price

Mr. Anand

Tagore Engineering college


Group dance

won 3rd price


Mr. Charan Kumar


RMK Trophy, Inter college cricket tournament

Ms Preetha, Ms. Gangadevi, Ms Kowsalya

M.N.M. Jain Engineering college


MNM Jain trophy,Inter college throw ball tournament for women

Mr. Aakash R,Ms. V. Preetha, Ms Ganga Devi .S, Ms Anitha .M, Ms Kowsallya

M.N.M. Jain Engineering college

26.2.2018 to 28.02.2018

Jain trophy Cricket & throw ball tournament

Mr. Aakash R

Sathyabama Institute of science & Technology 07.2.2018 to 11.02.2018

MGR trophy Cricket tournament

Mr. Medapatti Akash Naveen Reddy,Mr Charan Kumar



Mr. Chinnakathi Ramesh babu, Mr. Medapatti Akash Naveen Reddy



Mr. R. Naveen



Mr. R. Naveen

Table tennis


Ms. R. Shobana



Ms.S. Mercy Hennah

Table tennis


Ms.B. Kowsalya, Ms M. Anitha



Ms. S Gangadevi,Ms V. Preetha



Ms. B. Kowsalya

Ball badminton


Mr. R. Nithish

JJ Basket Ball stadium

4th South Indian karatte Championship


Ms .J. Shalu Priya, Ms. V. Preetha, Ms. Mercy Hennag, Ms Saranya, and Mr. M. Subramanium

Sri Sairam Engineering College

13.10.2017 to 14.10.2017.

Anna university Zonal Athletics

Mr. Jayasuriyan.R

MIT, Chromepet 26.9.2017 to 27.9.2017

Kho Kho men , Anna university Zonal

Mr. Gokul Ganesh .V, Mr.Mithun P

Sairam Engineering College

19.9.2017 to 20.9.2017.

Badminton Men , Anna university Zonal

Ms Mercy Hennah.S, Ms Kowsallya B

Sairam Engineering College 18.9.2017

Badminton women, Anna university Zonal

Ms.V. Preetha

Sairam engineering college


Table Tennis, Anna university Zonal

Mr. P. Akash and Mr. Hari sanjay

Andal Alagar Engineering college


Annauniversity Zonal(IV) Cricket

Mr. C. Vishnu


18.08.2017 to 19.08.2017

Hand Ball Annauniversity Zonal(IV)


Priyanka G V, Vinotha P, Vinothini S

S.A Engineering College 19.02.2016

Throw Ball match at the Inter Collegiate Tournament, S.A.Trophy

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